Establishing, Protecting and Licensing... A Brand

Establishing, Protecting and Licensing... A Brand

This 2day workshop focused on guiding participants to recognize their trademark value and potential, searching and adopting new trademarks, registering and maintaining trademarks, establishing trademark’s policies and licensing those trademarks.

The workshop will also address protecting brand equity against infringement, abuse and dilution especially in the new e-commerce marketing era.

Course topics:

1. What is a Brand?
a. Defining a brand;
b. Recognizing brand elements;
c. Distinguishing brands from trade and corporate names.

2. What Makes a Strong Brand?
a. Starting on the right side of the brand strength spectrum;
b. Using a brand for strength;
c. Understanding consumer perception.

3. How to Build a Strong Brand?
a. Brand selection;
b. Brand Research;
c. Brand registration;
d. Brand Use;
e. Brand Licensing;
f. Preserving Brand Value.

Targeted Group
Business executives, corporate counsels, entrepreneurs who want to understand the elements, processes and techniques for building strong brands, as well as attorneys, legal professionals and licensing professionals.