“Technology Transfer”

Course Description:
This educational program designed to supplement and improve the skills and capabilities of the participants by providing them with the knowledge on how to handle the responsibilities of managing licensing business and executing licensing transaction.

Topics Addressed:
• Intellectual Property (IP) Primer: covering the basics of patents, trademarks, trade secrets, and copyrights.
• Anatomy of License: covering the material terms of a license agreement, and structuring the financial terms and considerations in license.
• Valuation and Ethics: how to identify, evaluate, valuate and license technologies.
• Structuring a licensing Function and Organization: effective business integrating.
• Government/ Academic/ Industry relation: including the special considerations that effects transactions between universities and Industries.

Targeted Groups:
• Corporate development professionals with supervisory and transactional responsibilities for licensing and business development functions;
• Professional service providers including intellectual property and corporate/finance attorneys, valuation professionals, and dispute and investigations consultants;
• Venture capitalists and entrepreneurs;
• Economic development executives; and
• Academic technology transfer executives and managers and higher education administrators.