Annual Reports


Licensing Executives Society - Arab Countries (LES-AC) News 2015

On Global IP Day in April 2015, LES-AC organized an event in the Qatari capital, Doha in partnership with the Gulf Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and in presence of experts in the field of patents and trademarks.
The Workshop events, which lasted for two days, were officially opened by His Excellency Sheikh Ahmed bin Jassim bin Mohammed Al Thani, Minister of Economy and Commerce, and HE Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, Secretary General of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf and launched on the twenty-sixth of April, 2015.

The Workshop included an exhibition where 9 models by Qatari inventors from the State of Qatar and the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf were showcased and toured by the Minister.

It is noteworthy that the Intellectual Property and Innovation Workshop came within the framework of Qatar’s celebration of the World Intellectual Property Day this year, which is celebrated by all countries of the world on the 26th day of April of each year since 2000 with a view to disseminating the culture of intellectual property and awareness through various events relating to the protection of property rights.
In September 2015, LES-AC held its Annual Meeting at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University; LES-AC long term strategies were discussed in addition to the cooperation with Arab institutions, universities and organizations that have interest in IP matters.

In November 2015, LES-AC organized a workshop on “IP and Licensing Principles” in cooperation with Amman Chamber of Commerce, the workshop aimed to increase the public awareness regarding IP Licensing and Trademarks.

The workshop held at the Chamber Headquarters was sponsored by HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman of LES-AC and HE Mr. Issa Haidar Murad, chairman of Amman Chamber of Commerce.

During the workshop, participants discussed a number of issues including the lack of awareness among Arabs and Jordanians with regard to the importance of Intellectual Property and licensing, violations of copyrights or patents, and the importance of developing laws that deter fraud and patent and copyright infringement.  

The attendees also discussed the reasons why individuals from local community tend to violate these rights, and called upon Amman Chamber of Commerce and LES-AC for holding awareness workshops on intellectual property and licensing that target college and university students, as well as the broader community.

Also in November 2015, LES-AC signed a marketing agreement with the Global IP Convention event (GIPC) which allows LES-AC to market the GIPC in the Arab countries and to its members.