Royalty Rates for Trademarks & Copyrights Book -4th Edition , Released

Royalty Rates for Trademarks & Copyrights identifies the licensor, licensee, property licensed, and
all financial terms including royalty rates

The newly released fourth edition book of Royalty Rates for Trademarks & Copyrights contains more pricing information than any other publication. Based on nearly two decades of research, this must-have reference reports royalty rates and transaction values for trademarks and copyrights for the period 1990 through 2009. they identify the property licensed --- the royalty rates --- the licensor --- the licensee.

You also get details on outright sales, infringement damage awards, and settlements.

You can use this unique collection of real-deal data to help you:
• Negotiate better licensing deals
• Value trademarks and copyrights
• Develop and support infringement damages theories

Financial Models Part of Expanded New Edition
Financial models for determining royalty rates are a new part of this just-released 4th edition. Models detailed include rules of thumb, profit differential calculations, investment rate of return analyses, and discounted cash flow analysis. Examples are presented so they can be used as templates for your specific situations. Royalty Rates for Trademarks & Copyrights also includes a Royalty Rate Distribution Chart summarizing rates across all industries and products covered. The royalty rates reported are grouped by rate and graphed by frequency.

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