Distinguish Yourself in Licensing with the CLP

Distinguish Yourself in Licensing with the CLP

By Pamela Demain
May 11, 2016. Becoming a Certified Licensing Professional (CLP) is a preeminent achievement that has become a rite of passage for today’s experienced highly-valued IP professionals.

Launched in 2008, by Certified Licensing Professionals, Inc., many in the field depend on the CLP designation to distinguish between those who have proven expertise, proficiency, and skills from those who only claim to have such critical competencies.

CLP Exam Review Scheduled at BIO International Convention
The Licensing Executives Society will be hosting a CLP Exam Review all day on June 10, 2016, in conjunction with the BIO International Convention. If you are involved in patenting, marketing, business development and licensing, valuation, IP law, negotiation, and intellectual asset management, you are invited to take this review course to help you achieve your career path goals.

If you’re attending the BIO International Convention and wish to register, please visit www.lesusacanada.org/event/CLPatBIO, and sign up today.